Posts Tagged ‘Thought’

Window Tinting Crazy Things You Never Thought Of

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

This is the year 2010 and Las Vegas experienced the hottest month in the history of this state. It was the month of July. With temperatures exceeding 100 degrees for almost 45 days straight.
What did that mean to professional auto window tinting companies here in Las Vegas?
Business was good!

Other than the obvious, there are several benefits of auto window tinting. And some of which may never have crossed your mind.
My sister-in-law who is a strong environmentalists advocate mentioned fighting global warming is on the list of benefits from window tinting.
Here’s how that works. Keeping your car cooler with auto glass tinting can actually help with greenhouse gas emissions in cars, by allowing you to use less energy to cool the car, meaning your air conditioner is working a lot less.
Chalk one up for my sister-in-law.
Whoever thought a true blonde could be that intelligent.
Another huge benefit that you might not have thought of, is the window film’s ability to keep windows from shattering during a collision.
Auto glass is generally very resistant to breaking.
It usually just shatters into pieces but does not scatter.
Window tinting actually provides a secondary level of protection or a defense against the window shattering.
Have you ever thought of that?

Have you ever talked to an insurance agent about the added benefits of window tinting?
One of my good friends is an insurance agent that explained to me that the car tinting film is attached to windows by adhesive. This makes the windows even less likely to break in the case of an accident. Although the car manufacturers have the best intentions to protect the driver’s, many injuries are caused by flying glass.
Auto window tinting is one of the few aftermarket products that can measurably be shown to improve car and passenger safety.
Have you ever thought of that?

My sister-in-law also mentioned how window tinting comes in the form of a cancer fighter.
Skin cancer has certainly become a major topic of discussion, especially in the southwest United States where the temperatures exceed 100 degrees and are extremely dry climates.
The constant reminders to wear sunscreen when you’re outside, seems to die down when automobiles are discussed. But it is pretty obvious, but you can get as much exposure writing in a sunny car as you would a full day walking outside.
This is where auto window tinting comes in as a cancer fighter. Keeping the skin from being harmed by UV rays outside the care with tinted windows is a great health benefit.

For a list of additional benefits to window tinting and a list of the best and cheapest window tinting companies in Las Vegas visit our website at

Charlie Moore is a lifelong resident of Las Vegas and a 30 year veteran of the window tinting industry.  Charlie has seen changes in the window tinting business for quite some time.

For the best and cheapest window tinting company in Las Vegas visit Charlie’s website at

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